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Posts Tagged ‘NRA

The NRA Responds to the Batman Shooting

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The first words from the Twitter account of the National Rifle Association had this to say:

“Good morning, shooters, Happy Friday! Weekend plans?”

I’m sure this was an honest mistake. What you’ll probably hear next from the NRA is something like this:

“If we had an armed and locked NRA member in the front row of the Colorado theater something like this could have been prevented. Our condolences.”

There will be much chatter in the next few days about how to prevent similar horrors, but the NRA will probably have its usual way with our timid politicians, and after much hand-wringing, little will change. You might see a call to require warning alarms on theater exit doors.

What do you think?

Batman shooting, NRA response

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Written by Ron Greene

July 20, 2012 at 4:23 pm